White Marseilles fig cuttings – (6) 6” Cuttings


White Marseilles fig cuttings – (6) 6” Cuttings

2 in stock


White Marseilles fig cuttings – (6) 6” Cuttings

The White Marseilles fig, also known as Marseilles White or simply White Fig, is a variety of fig tree that produces pale yellow to greenish-yellow figs with sweet and juicy flesh. Here are some key characteristics and information about White Marseilles figs:

1. **Appearance:**
– The figs are typically medium to large in size.
– They have a pale yellow or greenish-yellow skin.
– The flesh is often pink near the stem and transitions to a honey-like amber color toward the center.

2. **Flavor:**
– White Marseilles figs are known for their sweet, rich flavor.
– The taste is often described as honey-like and can be mildly nutty.

3. **Texture:**
– The texture of the figs is generally soft, and the flesh is juicy.

4. **Growing Conditions:**
– White Marseilles fig trees thrive in warm, Mediterranean-like climates.
– They prefer full sun and well-draining soil.

5. **Harvesting:**
– Figs are usually ready for harvest in late summer to early fall.
– Harvest when the figs are plump, slightly soft, and have a rich color.

6. **Uses:**
– White Marseilles figs are often enjoyed fresh, either on their own or as part of fruit salads.
– They can be used in cooking and baking, adding a sweet flavor to dishes.
– Some people use them for making jams or preserves.

7. **Pruning:**
– Regular pruning can help maintain the shape of the fig tree and improve air circulation.
– Prune in late winter or early spring when the tree is dormant.

8. **Cold Tolerance:**
– While fig trees are generally hardy, White Marseilles figs may need protection in colder climates. Consider mulching around the base of the tree in winter.

9. **Disease Resistance:**
– Figs are susceptible to certain diseases, but White Marseilles figs are often relatively disease-resistant.

10. **Propagation:**
– Fig trees can be propagated through cuttings.
– Plant cuttings in well-draining soil, and keep them consistently moist until established.

White Marseilles figs are prized for their sweet flavor and make a delightful addition to home gardens in suitable climates. If you’re considering growing this variety, be sure to provide the right conditions, including warmth, sunlight, and well-drained soil.


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